Routeburn Track Adventure: A 5-Day Trekker’s Paradise

Embarking on a Routeburn Track Adventure

The Routeburn Track is a captivating trail through New Zealand’s South Island, a must for any outdoor enthusiast. This 32-kilometer journey connects Fiordland National Park with Mount Aspiring National Park, showcasing an array of environments from beech woods to alpine meadows. The breathtaking views along this path are symbolic of untouched wilderness.

Preparations for Your Routeburn Trek

Optimal Season for Travel

Hikers find the Great Walks season, from late October to April end, ideal for this trip. Favorable weather conditions prevail, and track facilities are fully accessible.

Lodging Along the Routeburn

Department of Conservation-run huts and campsites provide accommodations. Notable are the Routeburn Flats Hut and Lake Mackenzie Hut, each equipped with essential amenities for comfort and convenience.

Packing Essentials

All trekkers must pack rain gear, durable boots, navigation tools, a medical kit, and enough provisions. A personal locator beacon is also highly recommended due to changing conditions.

Navigating Safely

Checking forecasts and informing someone of your route and expected return is crucial for safety.

The Routeburn Itinerary Highlights

Day One: Key Summit Wonders

Your voyage starts at Routeburn Shelter leading up to Key Summit Track. Continue to Routeburn Flats Hut for an evening repose.

Day Two: Ascending to Beauty

Day two’s climb takes you to Routeburn Falls, Harris Saddle, and finally, the tranquil Lake Mackenzie.

Day Three: Completing the Circuit

The last day involves passing the Earland Falls and reaching The Divide, signaling the end of your Routeburn Track adventure.

Discovering the Routeburn’s Nature

Biodiversity Along the Track

Home to distinctive ecosystems, keep an eye out for the indigenous kea and nocturnal kiwi calls.

The Routeburn’s Flora Display

In higher elevations, the Mount Cook buttercup and various other endemic plants thrive, offering a unique botanical display.

The Journey Through Time on the Routeburn

Routes of Heritage

Maori history permeates the Routeburn, as it traces ancient Greenstone trails.


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